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Race, Ethnicity & Migration


Sociology of Race/Ethnicity examines the shifting dynamics of racial formation and racial inequality, including immigration and deportation, policing and incarceration, segregation, education, and identity formation within the United States and from a comparative and global perspective.

Who studies race, ethnicity, and migration? Heading link

A selection of faculty publications on race, ethnicity, and migration Heading link

Clarno, Andy. 2017. Neoliberal Apartheid: Palestine/Israel and South Africa After 1994. University of Chicago Press.

Emerson, Michael O., Elizabeth Korver-Glenn, Kiara Douds. 2015. “Studying Race and Religion: A Critical Assessment.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 1(3):349-359.

Howell, Junia, and Michael O. Emerson. 2018. “Preserving Racial Hierarchy amidst Changing Racial Demographics: How Neighbourhood Racial Preferences are Changing While Maintaining Segregation.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 41, 15: 2770-2789.

Krysan, Maria and Kyle Crowder. 2017. Cycle of Segregation: Social Processes and Residential Stratification. Russell Sage Foundation

Macias-Rojas, Patrisia. 2016. From Deportation to Prison: The Politics of Immigration Enforcement in Post-Civil Rights America. New York University Press.

Lewis, Amanda and John B. Diamond. 2015. Despite the Best Intentions: How Racial Inequality Thrives in Good Schools. Oxford University Press.

Lewis, Amanda. 2003. Race in the Schoolyard: Negotiating the Color Line in Classrooms and Communities. Rutgers University Press.

Jones, Jennifer A. 2019. The Browning of the New South. University of Chicago Press.

Beck, E. M., Stewart E. Tolnay, and Amy Kate Bailey. 2016. “Contested Terrain: The State versus Threatened Lynch Mob Violence.” American Journal of Sociology 121 (6): 1856-1884.

CSDE Lynching Database by Amy Bailey and Stewart E. Tolnay

Recent graduate seminars on race, ethnicity, and migration Heading link

  • Racial Capitalism (Soc 540) by Andy Clarno
  • Race and Ethnicity (Soc 525) by Andy Clarno
  • Theorizing the Racial State: Race, Immigration and the Making of Americans (Soc 520) by Jennifer Jones
  • Latinas in the United States (Soc 520) by Lorena Garcia
  • Explaining Racial Inequality in Chicago (Soc 501/509) by Maria Krysan
  • Policing in Chicago: Workshop in Social Justice Ethnography (Soc 501/509) by Andy Clarno
  • Comparative Racial Formation (Soc/AAST 407) by Andy Clarno
  • Race and Ethnicities – Contemporary Struggles (Soc 426) by Laurie Schaffner

Reading groups on race, ethnicity, and migration Heading link


The Neighborhoods, Housing, and Urban Sociology (NHUS) reading group was started in 2015 and is loosely overseen by Dr. Maria Krysan, and run by the graduate student members. NHUS focuses on theoretical and empirical literature related to urban issues, including spatial stratification, housing, and segregation.