Andy Clarno, PhD
Associate Professor & Associate Head
Coordinator of the Policing in Chicago Research Group
Sociology & Black Studies
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Building & Room:
4125 BSB
1007 W Harrison St
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Research Interests: Racism, Capitalism, Colonialism, Empire, Policing, Comparative Racial
Formation, Global and Transnational Sociology, Urban Sociology, Political Sociology
Andy Clarno is associate professor of Sociology and Black Studies and Associate Head of the
Sociology Department at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His research examines racism,
capitalism, colonialism, and empire in the early 21st century, with a focus on racialized
policing and struggles for social justice in contexts of extreme inequality.
Andy is coordinator of the Policing in Chicago Research Group (PCRG), an activist research
collective provides research support to social movements and transformative justice
organizations. The PCRG includes Enrique Alvear Moreno, Janaé Bonsu-Love, Lydia Dana,
Michael De Anda Muñiz, Ilā Ravichandran, and Haley Volpintesta. Our collectively authored
book, Imperial Policing: Weaponized Data in Carceral Chicago (University of Minnesota
Press 2024), examines the role of local police, federal immigration authorities, and national
security agencies in Chicago and offers a global lens on the abolition of imperial policing.
The PCRG has also released public reports on gang databases, predictive analytics, and
data-sharing mechanisms: Tracked and Targeted, Expansive and Focused Surveillance,
Accountability After Abolition, and Suspicious Activity Reports and the Surveillance State.
Andy’s first book, Neoliberal Apartheid (University of Chicago Press 2017), traces the
shifting dynamics of racial capitalism and settler colonialism in South Africa and
Palestine/Israel after 1994. Neoliberal Apartheid received two awards from the American
Sociological Association: the Immanuel Wallerstein Memorial Book Award from the
Political Economy of the World System section and the Paul Sweezy Book Award from the
Marxist Sociology section.
Selected Publications
“The Praxis of Azmi Bishara: Envisioning and Building Toward the Liberation of Palestine.” In International Politics (April 2024).
“The Context of Struggle: Racial Capitalism and Political Praxis in South Africa” with Salim Vally in Racial and Ethnic Studies (Online November 2022).
“From Graduate Seminar to Activist Research Collective” in Radical History Review (May 2020).
“Neoliberal Colonization in the West Bank” in Social Problems (August 2018)
“Rethinking Our Definition of Apartheid” with Haidar Eid in Al-Shabaka (August 2017)
“The Thorns that Exist and Resist: Black-Palestine Solidarity in the 21st Century” in Middle
East Report (Winter 2017)
“Rescaling White Space in Post-Apartheid Johannesburg” in Antipode (November 2013)