About UIC Sociology Heading link

Nurturing Great Educators and Citizens
Our department is committed to nurturing a sociological perspective in the next generation of scholars and citizens through our teaching mission. Our commitment to graduate and undergraduate education is evident in the abundance of teaching and mentoring awards our faculty have received.

Undergraduate Studies
Our undergraduate students have access to a top quality education in a department ranked in the top 40 among sociology departments in the country. As a public institution located in one of the country’s most exciting cities, we are proud to be a department where we apply our sociological lens to “real world” issues. As part of your broader education at UIC, an undergraduate degree in Sociology will prepare you for work or further education in a wide range of fields.
Undergrads are integrated into the life of our department, with opportunities to attend presentations by distinguished sociologists, engage with other undergraduates through our Sociology Club, and the chance to become involved in faculty research projects. Your degree culminates in our capstone course, “Igniting Sociological Futures,” which is a unique blend of advanced sociological training, an exciting and meaningful service learning experience, and invaluable professional development tools to help launch the next stage in your career or graduate education.

Graduate Studies
Our graduate students benefit from a program blending strong empirical research training, engaged researchers, and extensive training in teaching. Our graduate students regularly collaborate on research projects with faculty, frequently co-authoring research articles.
We are proud of our ability to successfully place our students in the kinds of jobs they want—including research institutes, local community colleges, regional universities, and Research Intensive Universities. We have one of the most diverse graduate programs in the country; in the NRC’s diversity ranking, UIC sociology was ranked in the range of 4th-12th out of 118 programs that were ranked.

Committed to diversity and inclusion
UIC Sociology is proud to have one of the most diverse undergraduate and graduate student populations in the nation. We strive to provide a supportive environment in which students and scholars from all racial, ethnic, religious, social class, sexual identity, and national backgrounds can excel.