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Awards, Fellowships & Travel Grants

Patrick Juris award

Takeia Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund Heading link

Department Awards Heading link

The Department of Sociology is pleased to offer the following awards:

R. Stephen Warner Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching
Nomination Deadline: March 17, 2023
Materials due by: Monday, April 10, 2023

David P. Street Dissertation Prize in Engaged Sociology
For an outstanding dissertation completed in 2020 or 2021 that addresses engaged sociology.
Submission Deadline: April 10, 2023

David P. Street Master’s Paper Prize
Submission Deadline: Monday, April 10, 2023

Graduate Student Teaching Award
To recognize a graduate student who excels in teaching
Nomination Deadline: Friday, March 17, 2023

Materials due by: Monday, April 10, 2023


Patrick Juris Undergraduate Award
To recognize a senior who has achieved academic excellence in sociology
Application Deadline: Monday, April  10, 2023

Department Travel Funds Heading link

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) provides funds to departments to distribute. Below is our policy for allocating LAS-funded travel awards.

  • Students who are ABD will be given priority for travel awards
  • Students may receive only one travel award per academic year
  • Awards are capped at $250 (this limit of $250 includes both direct awards from the department as well as any commitments for matching funds for non-departmental travel awards)
  • Students must be presenting a paper at a conference; if you are co-author on a paper, you may apply for a travel award but priority will be given to those who are actually presenting the paper
  • Student travel must be endorsed by their advisor; a brief email from the advisor to the DGS indicating awareness of the request and providing details on the conference if it is a conference with which the DGS may not be familiar
  • Student awards can only be used for reimbursable expenses (e.g., transportation, hotel, conference registrations)

Because of the limited funding pool for travel, we advise students to seek out travel funding from other sources. Travel awards are granted on a first-come-first-served basis, so please apply as soon as you know you will be attending or at least one month in advance of travel. Also, keep others’ need in mind when applying: don’t apply for funds that you do not need. Priority will be given to requests that would enable a student to attend a conference that they otherwise would not be able to attend.

To apply, students should email the Director of Graduate Studies, Paul-Brian McInerney, and provide the following information: Name of conference/association, dates, location, title and brief abstract of presentation, and a list of all authors on the presentation.