Dr. Amy Kate Bailey along with Drs. Ryan Gabriel (BYU), Adrian Haws (Cornell), and Joseph Price (BYU) publish The Migration of Lynch Victims’ Families, 1880–1930 in Demography Abstract We examine the relationship between…
Dr. Mahesh Somashekhar and Dr. Giacomo Negro publish Where the Great Cities Go, Do Other Cities Follow? Divergent Trajectories of LGBTQ Organizational Growth Across the United States During the AIDS Crisis in Journal…
Dr. Jennifer Jones and Dr. Reanne Frank publish, “Making Minorities or Honorary Whites? Examining Multiracial Self-Concept” in Social Psychology Quarterly Vol. 86 No. 3. Abstract Since the 1990s, scholars have speculated on the…
Dr. Sigirid Luhr publishes, “We’re better than Most”: Diversity Discourse in the San Francisco Bay Area Tech Industry in Social Problems Abstract Despite recent efforts to diversify their workplaces, tech companies remain predominantly…
What family policies would experts like to see in 2024? Child tax credit, social media regulation, child care support and paid leave all make experts’ list in Desert News. Find the full article…
Dr. Barbara Risman writes an op-ed in Psychology Today about the questionable ‘feminist’ messages in the recent billion-dollar Barbie Movie. In “Smash the Patriarchy! Long Live the Gender Binary!,” Dr. Risman offers her…
Dr. Luhr has written a blog post for Contexts Magazine titled, “Tech Talk: Diversity Discourse in Silicon Valley” Do companies benefit from this diversity discourse? Only if their true goal is to…
Dr. Risman was recently cited in article titled, “Americans are older than ever,” written about the low birthrates in the United States. “Birthrates are about women’s lives, about gender equality,” said Barbara Risman,…
Lynchings were "to send a message of acceptable and unacceptable behavior," and to "signify who is in power and who is disempowered," said Amy Kate Bailey, a University of Illinois at Chicago professor and sociologist, in an interview with ABC News.