Organizations & the Economy

Ft. Wayne Masonic Temple

Sociology of Organizations and the Economy focuses on the historical and contemporary study of how groups of people come together to accomplish collective goals, the institutionalization of social forms, and how labor is organized and enacted as well as the individual and structural consequences of these processes.

Who studies organizations & the economy? Heading link

A selection of faculty publications on organizations & the economy Heading link

McInerney, Paul-Brian. 2014. From Social Movement to Moral Market: How the Circuit Riders Sparked an IT Revolution and Created a Technology Market. Stanford University Press.

Somashekhar, Mahesh. 2019. “Neither Here nor There? How the New Geography of Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship Disadvantages African Americans.” Social Problems.

Somashekhar, Mahesh. 2018. “Ethnic Economies in the Age of Retail Chains: Comparing the Presence of Chain-Affiliated and Independently Owned Ethnic Restaurants in Ethnic Neighborhoods.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.

Popielarz, Pamela A. 2018. “Moral Dividends: Freemasonry and Finance Capitalism in Early-nineteenth-century America.” Business History 60(5):655-676.

Popielarz, Pamela A. and Tünde Cserpes. 2018. “Comparing the Discussion Networks and Voluntary Association Memberships of Immigrants and Non-Immigrants in U.S. Suburban Gateways.” Social Networks 53:42-56.

Bailey, Amy Kate and Bryan L. Sykes. 2018. “Veteran Status, Income, and Intergenerational Mobility Across Three Cohorts of American Men.” Population Research and Policy Review

Bailey, Amy Kate, Madisen B. Drury, Hannah Randall. 2017. “Student Veterans’ Academic Performance Before and After the Post–9/11 GI Bill.” Armed Forces & Society

McInerney, Paul-Brian. 2015. “Walking a Fine Line: How Organizations Respond to the Institutional Pluralism of Intersectoral Collaboration.” Social Currents 2(3): 280-301.

Kristen Harknett, Daniel Schneider, and Sigrid Luhr. (2020). “Who Cares if Parents have Unpredictable Schedules?: The Association between Just-in-Time Work Schedules and Child Care Arrangements.” Social Problems.

Dani Carrillo, Kristen Harknett, Allison Logan, Sigrid Luhr, and Daniel Schneider. (2017). “Instability of Work and Care: How Work Schedules Shape Child-Care Arrangements for Parents Working in the Service Sector.” Social Service Review 91(3): 422-455.

Recent graduate seminars on organizations & the economy Heading link

  • Organizations (Soc 547) by Pamela Popielarz; Paul-Brian McInerney
  • Seminar: Topics in Institutions (Soc 540) by Pamela Popielarz
    • Critical Approaches to Management & Bureaucracy; Organizations & the Economy; Institutional Theories of Organizations
  • Economic Sociology (Soc 520) by Paul-Brian McInerney
  • Organizational Dynamics (Soc 520) by Paul-Brian McInerney

Reading group on organizations & the economy Heading link

office chairs

The Center on Organizational Dynamics hosts a reading group focusing on topics germane to organizations, markets, economies, and work. We meet biweekly during the fall and spring semesters to discuss books, chapters, and journal articles related to an annual theme. Contact Paul-Brian McInerney if you would like to be involved.