Multiple Methodologies
Our department's collective toolkit includes an array of different methodological strategies
Faculty undertake ethnographies, in-depth interviews, survey research, focus groups, statistical analysis of secondary data, and the use of comparative historical methods.
One of the noteworthy features of our department is our methodological cross-fertilization, reflected in the increasing use by faculty of multiple-methods in their research approaches. Quantitative scholars are incorporating in-depth interviews; statistical analysts are using comparative historical methods; and ethnographers have become conversant in designing surveys.
Multiple Methodologies Heading link
Survey Research Methods | Quantitative Data Analysis | Ethnographies | In-depth Interviews | Comparative Historical | Network Analysis | |
Amy Bailey |
Andy Clarno |
Claire Decoteau |
Julie Dowling |
Tyrone Forman |
Lorena Garcia |
Jennifer Jones |
Ian Kennedy |
Maria Krysan |
Amanda Lewis |
Sigrid Luhr |
Patrisia Macías-Rojas |
Paul-Brian McInerney |
Pamela Popielarz |
Barbara Risman |
Atef Said |
Mahesh Somashekhar |
Emily Vasquez |